Digital Marketing Instructor- Komal Chopra | CCIT
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Komal Chopra

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Komal Chopra

Digital Marketing Trainer

Komal Chopra is recognized for her expertise in digital marketing and helping marketers understand how new and transformative technologies affect business and the overall customer experience. Since founding her consultancy, Aadvi Business Structures LLP, Komal Chopra has worked with several leading corporations to help their teams develop and implement effective digital marketing strategies. She has been into Digital Marketing Industry since 7 years and has handled Digital Marketing for brands from the following industries like E-tailing, Education, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Banking, Travel, Healthcare, Polical Parties. In addition to her consulting business, Komal Chopra is widely recognized for her training excellence. Komal has also developed several bespoke learning programs for corporate clients, conducting workshops and trainings for industries ranging from technology, healthcare, media, energy, services, and consumer products.

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